Fuel Oil Vs. Heating Oil: What’s The Difference?
Here’s what sets them apart The term ‘oil’ is sometimes thrown around interchangeably. For example, some people say fuel oil when, in fact, they are really referring to heating oil. But the fact of the matter is that fuel oil and heating oil are different and they do different things. The origin of heating oil…
Read MoreWhat Is The Difference Between On-Road & Off-Road Diesel?
In this day and age, diesel is a commonly used fuel. The fuel itself is created from refined crude oil and biomass materials and it is named after the type of engine it is made for – diesel engines. Diesel fuel is currently used to power all sorts of machinery and equipment that can be…
Read MorePropane and Bioheat® Fuel…Now and in the Future
Both American-made Bioheat fuel and propane remain abundant, keep you comfortable and saves you money. And there are no blackouts that cut off your supply of energy. Test case: 80% reduction in emissions Just two heating oil retailers in the Northeast displaced nearly 1.5 million gallons of heating oil with approved Bioheat fuel in the…
Read MorePropane Tank Sizes: What’s Right For Me?
Efficiency is all about choosing the right-sized tool for a job – and picking a residential propane tank is no exception. Let your propane company help! Residential propane storage tanks come in many sizes – from aboveground tanks and cylinders as small as 29 gallons to tanks that can hold up to 1000 gallons installed…
Read MoreWhat Is a Germicidal UV Light?
If you’ve ever worn sunblock, then you’ve probably at least heard of ultraviolet (UV) light – an invisible (to us, anyway) wavelength that can cause skin cancer and blindness in humans if exposure to it is high enough. As it turns out, it’s not so great for microorganisms, either. When harnessed into a light bulb…
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