If you’ve ever worn sunblock, then you’ve probably at least heard of ultraviolet (UV) light – an invisible (to us, anyway) wavelength that can cause skin cancer and blindness in humans if exposure to it is high enough.
As it turns out, it’s not so great for microorganisms, either.
When harnessed into a light bulb and tucked harmlessly in your HVAC system, UV light can actually help keep us humans healthy by killing off mold spores, bacteria, viruses, and pollen spores in your home (actually it’s more accurate to say it sterilizes these organisms so they can’t reproduce, but the net effect is the same). That’s good news for us: In high enough quantities, these microorganisms can cause respiratory ailments and even lead to more significant health problems like asthma and cognitive issues.
Benefits of a germicidal UV light
When installed near the supply or return vents of your ductwork or over the air conditioning coil, a germicidal UV light catches many of the smallest microorganisms that circulate in your home’s air – including 99.9 percent of your home’s mold spores.
UV lights are a smart edition to a home’s HVAC system because the provide:
- Healthier air – In modern, well-insulated homes, UV lights can reduce indoor-air pollution levels significantly, ensuring a healthy environment for you and your family without using toxic chemicals to do the job.
- Continuous operation – UV germicidal lights operate even if the HVAC system is offline, ensuring that your home stays protected.
- Improved efficiency and longer life for your HVAC system – Germicidal UV lights can even extend the life of your home’s heating and cooling systems because the HVAC system’s components work less hard if the air is cleaner.
Summing up: Germicidal UV lights are a compact, easy to install, and affordable way to clear the air in your home and keep your family healthy. If your space is prone to mold growth, or if you have people with respiratory issues living with you, it can be a great way to improve your quality of life at home.